
                         | The --chars option |                         

                          | Florent Gallaire |                          

                             | 04/09/2012 |                             


                              | Targets |                               

- All the ASCII-Art targets: aat, aap, aas and aaw. 12 chars
- The reStructuredText target: rst. 8 chars length.

ASCII-art targets

Default values

  | corner | border | side | bar1 | bar2 | level2 | level3 | level4 | level5 | bullet | hhead | vhead |
  | +      | -      | |    | -    | =    | =      | -      | ^      | "      | -      | =     | $     |

There is two exceptions:

- The hhead char of the tables with no border is bind to the border
char, so its default value is -.
- The bullet char default value is * for the aap target.


corner, border and side define box for first level titles (quotes and
lists are also boxed by the aap target). They are used for the tables
too, with hhead the horizontal header char and vhead the vertical header

                  | a first level title in a box |
  |   $   A   |   B   |
  | 1 $ hhead | vhead |
  | 2 $   =   |   $   |

bar1 is a thin horizontal line char:


bar2 is a large horizontal line char:


level2, level3, level4 and level5 are underlined title chars:


bullet is the bullet list char:

  - first item
  - other item
  - last item

Valid chars

The choice of the chars is completely free in all the ASCII-Art targets.
There's only one limitation, in UTF-8 encoding, the CJK double width
chars are forbidden, because of their double size which make them
useless for the job:

  7 chars

reStructuredText target

Default values

  | title | level1 | level2 | level3 | level4 | level5 | bar1 | bullet |
  | #     | *      | =      | -      | ^      | "      | -    | -      |


title is the underlined and overlined document title char :


level1 is the underlined and overlined first level title char :


level2, level3, level4 and level5 are underlined title chars:


bar1 is a horizontal line char:


bullet is the bullet list char:

  - first item
  - other item
  - last item

Valid chars

Bullet list char must be chosen from the * + - chars.

All the others  must be chosen from the ! " # $ % & \ ' ( ) * + ,
- . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ chars.
The = - ` : . ' " ~ ^ _ * + # chars are recommended.

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