- Description: Identifies the start of a list item
- Properties: Multiline, !FreeSpaces, !Align, Nesting
- Contains: Macros, Beautifiers, Lists, Table, Verbatim, Raw,
Tagged, Bars, Links, Image, Comment
- Syntax:
- A line that starts with a dash/plus/colon followed by exactly one
- The first list char can NOT be a space (exception: definition lists)
- Optional spaces (regular spaces, not TAB) at the line beginning
define sublists depth (nesting)
- Sublists end with a less depth item (from parent list) or with an
empty item
- All opened lists are closed with two consecutive blank lines
- Details:
- If the end of the source file (EOF) is hit, all opened lists are
- Lists can be mixed, like a definition list inside a numbered list.
- Some targets may not support list nesting, then the sublists items
are moved up to the mother list level.
- There is not a limit for sublists depth. But some targets may have
restrictions, so the sublists than are deeper than the maximum level
are moved up.